Monday, January 31, 2000
Evil Avatar SoF Demo Review -- 9:22 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Harvey Meeker over at Evil Avatar has slapped up a quick review of the Soldier of Fortune demo. As I mentioned before (story) I like the demo alot, but some of the violence is a bit too realistic for my tastes. But that can be turned down so no biggie.The Master comments: I remember replying to a Kenn Hokestra .plan update back on 6/14/98, with what I thought would be cool in SOF. I got kinda scary, but it WAS a fun email to write:
What do I expect of SOF?Ironically, now that I have a son, I don't think the above is so cool :-/
Easy. I expect to be dropped into a lake by a helicopter, swim up a river, crawl through some weeds and trees, blow away some guards on some guard towers, smoke that dude on patrol with a silenced pistol, free the hostages/mias/etc,etc, and then NUKE the F'ing place.
Sorry, didn't mean to lose control there.
It would be really cool to whip out some real weapons (RPG, Stinger, M60, motar, artillary, air strike with Napalm, M16, AK, Claymore, Beretta, SMG, REAL physics grenades, tactical nuke, etc). I think I'd wet myself with glee. If you can bring me into the game to the point that I really think I'm crawling through a misquito infested jungle with intent to maim and I could have a real blast.
A.T. Hun comments: I can't believe you save year-and-a-half-old email. Hopefully you've learned how to spell mosquito since then :)
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