Thursday, January 27, 2000
LithTech, Inc. created -- 4:14 pm CST, Update by The Master
Well, according to Jason Hall's .plan update, Monolith has spun off the LithTech engine into a seperate corporate entity entitled LithTech, Inc. Now we know what Monolith is doing! They're making .coms! Heh-actually-they're going where the money is-engine licensing. Here's a snippet:This announcement is extremely significant. We have been working hard to make sure that LithTech is geared and ready for the future. This announcement shows that we are moving in the right direction.Just try to ignore Jason patting himself on the back. I don't see what he's so proud of, considering Monolith's track record in game support, but hey, maybe they can turn it around. . .
It is the highest compliment to be able to attract someone of Dr. Whitten's caliber. This guy really knows solid technology when he sees it.
I am looking forward to watching LithTech grow and proliferate as a true 3D gaming operating system (3DGOS). The end result of all of this is an even more robust development toolset that has a clear direction and a solid future - and more importantly, great support!
A.T. Hun comments: Whoopdeedoo!
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