The Haus

Saturday, August 21, 1999

Shogo is dead?!?

Holy Christmas! Just read this on the Blue's News messageboards. I can't believe someone from PlanetShogo would comment this way, but he's got a right to his opinion.

Monolith has done such an incredibly good job at killing Shogo that they should be applauded for stealing the money out of their own mouths. I've played a little Shogo since A.T. has been constantly goading me since it's release, and I'm impressed with the storyline. Single player is quite interesting. I personally don't like the MP much, but that's because the lack of color contrast on the MCAs versus the arenas you play in makes it very difficult for me to target the other players, NOT because the gameplay is bad.

A.T. replies: Well, as a person who downloaded the Shogo demo the moment it came out and bought the game shortly thereafter, it pains me to see so few servers when I know Shogo is a great multiplayer game. The lack of support from Monolith should have killed it, but there are enough talented people in the community to make up for what Lith hasn't done. I will say this: I will think long and hard before buying another game from them if this is going to be their level of "support".

News for 08/21/1999

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