The Haus

Monday, December 13, 1999

John Bye .plan update

Okay, I gotta vent here. John Bye of The Coven posted a .plan update on the whole Columbine deal in Time. I found his .plan update to be very much in the same vein as my own personal feelings on this subject. I was one of the people in the "don't fit in dweeb loser" category in school and I suffered a lot of abuse from my supposed peers. I can understand someone snapping under the stupid childish pressure kids can apply. But what they did to vent their aggression will be forever wrong.

Here's John's plan update:
I loved this quote, where one of the other pupils tried to make out the school was really a nice place to be .. unless you're a "reject" of course...

"Evan Todd, the 255-lb. defensive lineman who was wounded in the library, describes the climate this way: "Columbine is a clean, good place except for those rejects," Todd says of Klebold and Harris and their friends."Most kids didn't want them there. They were into witchcraft. They were into voodoo dolls. Sure, we teased them. But what do you expect with kids who come to school with weird hairdos and horns on their hats? It's not just jocks; the whole school's disgusted with them. They're a bunch of homos, grabbing each other's private parts. If you want to get rid of someone, usually you tease 'em. So the whole school would call them homos, and when they did something sick, we'd tell them, 'You're sick and that'swrong.'"

Ah, I see. So it's a great place. No, really. Unless you're a "homo". Or wear different clothes. Or have a "weird" haircut.

No, really, that's fine. Don't mind me. I'll just be in the corner with all the other rejects.

America - home of the brave, land of the free, and piss off you rejects we don't want your kind here.

News for 12/13/1999

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