The Haus

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Win98, ME Support Gone

I missed this earlier in the week. As of Tuesday, Windows 98 and ME are no longer supported by Microsoft. This does impact my kids' Celeron 400 box which is still running Win98. It's been getting wonky lately so it's probably overdue for a dusting. I'm in the process of deciding whether I just want to move it to Linux entirely. I would lose my scanner since the SANE project doesn't support it (no big loss there). I don't know if the kids' games would run under WINE. Other than that, it's mainly used for surfing. My main problem would be that so many PalmOS programs only have Windows-based installers. Why won't they just give me an unsupported ZIP or tarball?

The Master comments: Because no matter what a company says, unsupported never means unsupported. So, if they release something like that it can become a nightmare which companies prefer never to sign up for. We put up with it all the time at my work with a software package we distribute to customers -- we tell them that they need to check with their IS departments to install, but we always get the calls anyway.

News for 07/15/2006

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