The Haus

Monday, March 13, 2006

Game Mag Previews Decide our Games?

Kotaku posted a fascinating article on the gaming press and it's role in deciding shelf space for mediocre games. Very good read.

A.T. Hun comments: I didn't think that there were any real surprises in that article. Whenever you are getting review copies for free from publishers, suddenly your credibility and impartiality become suspect. If you'd read through my reviews, you'd find that the majority of them are overwhelmingly positive--certainly higher than the industry average. Why? It's because all the games I buy I pay for myself. I don't have a ton of money to spend on such frivolities, so if I buy a game, I'm already pretty sure that I'll like it. The only review I'd like to revisit is my review of Shogo for Linux. I probably should have dropped it at least a point. I think I gave it extra credit since I was simply so thrilled to be playing Shogo in Linux.

The problem is that if you buy a game and find out that it is garbage, most places won't take them back once they've been opened. This seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen. Then again, isn't everything? . . .

The Master comments: What bothers me about this stuff is that if you're not "savvy" to the industry, you might buy into some of this magazine/online review hype. Here at The Haus, if we review it we paid for it ourselves, but that's not true of most websites. I guess it's the infamous "buyer beware" all over again.

News for 03/13/2006

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