The Haus

Monday, May 23, 2005

More Ep III Ponderings

Well, Episode III continues to rake in the cash. The paper this morning (yeah, I know, how low-tech of me) had it at $108.5 million for the weekend, not counting Thursday. The grand total is $158.5 million, breaking the records for three-day and four-day openers. From what I've read elsewhere, the movie made an equal amount overseas.

One rant: To those who say that George Lucas "ruined your childhood" with the three prequels, I would thank you kindly to get a life. If a movie has that great an impact on you, then you need to seek professional help. It's a movie. Say it with me: a movie. If you like it, great. If you don't, you're entitled to your opinion, but I reserve my right to disagree. Someday I'll learn that Slashdot (and other similar places) is not the best place to have a rational discussion of such matters. There are far better avenues for that sort of thing. Like talking to my dog, for example.

One surprise: I expected LucasArts to announce at least one or two Episode III-based titles at E3, but they didn't. I thought a flight sim à la X-Wing or perhaps another Jedi Starfighter might be a good idea. Since we got a new (to us) monitor for the kids' computer, I've been playing X-Wing Alliance. I forgot just how fun that game is.

News for 05/23/2005

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