The Haus

Friday, March 11, 2005

Pondering the Imponderable

I saw (and downloaded) the Episode III trailer last night. This movie looks like it is going to be suh-weet. I'm going to see it with my wife before I decide if any of my kids can see it in the theater. I'd really like to see at least one Star Wars movie on the big screen with my kids, but I don't want to freak them out either (any more than they are already freaked out about being my kids).

I've done some testing with Half-Life 2 in Cedega 4.3. I'm pleased to report that DirectX 8 rendering works faster with fewer anomalies than before. There are still a few rendering bugs and it's not exactly a speed demon, but it is playing better. Being able to lose the crappy DirectX 7 renderer makes it like a whole new game. That's a good thing since I forgot to back up my saved games before dusting my drive.

I've been playing quite a bit of Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando on my PS2. It's even made me overcome my Burnout 3 addiction, if you can imagine. Any game that has a gun that allows you to turn your enemies into sheep is worth the price of admission for me. The levels are quite varied and there are enough weapon options to give you something to think about. I like the ability to trick out my ship, although I must admit that the space battles are my least favorite part of the game by far. I highly recommend that you rent one of the R&C games if you haven't tried them already.

I've been very pleased with my Logitech Cordless Action controller for my PS2. Control has been every bit as good as using the standard Dual Shock. I'm even still using the original batteries from when I bought it on January 31. That's with rumble on all of the time too. I'm not sure how much game time that is, but it has to be over the 50 hours that the say the batteries should be good for with rumble on. It isn't cheap, but if you want a high-quality PS2 wireless controller, look no further.

News for 03/11/2005

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December 19, 2006: Pocket Tunes 4.0 Released
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