The Haus

Monday, November 22, 1999


The good folks over at Björn3D posted this Reuters news article saying that NVIDIA is buying up DDRAM like it is going out of style. Here's the goods:
The world's largest dynamic random access memory (DRAM) maker Hyundai Electronics Industries Co said on Monday it has agreed to supply one million double data rate (DDR) synchronous DRAM chips to U.S.-based NVIDIA Corp NVDA this year.

"The first deliveries of DDR SDRAMs are being shipped to NVIDIA Corporation and will be used to support their industry-leading high performance graphics processors," Hyundai said in a statement.

A DDR DRAM, also known as double-speed DRAM, provides double the data transfer speed of a regular synchronous DRAM chip.

The chips are mostly used in high-end graphics cards requiring a faster data transfer speed.

Hyundai said it expected to reach an additional deal next year with the Santa Clara, California-based graphics processor developer to supply 1.5 million units of the chips per month.
It seems like those GeForce DDR boards won't be in such low supply as we may originally have thought.

News for 11/22/1999

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