The Haus

Sunday, May 18, 2003

Pondering the Imponderable

The other day Mozilla Firebird 0.6 was released. Mozilla Firebird is the stand-alone browser that will become focus of development after Mozilla 1.4 is released. You have to call it "Mozilla Firebird" because some programmers of a database called Firebird got all huffy when Mozilla announced the name, as if anyone in their lives had ever heard of a database called Firebird. The only thing I think of when I hear "Firebird" is this.

At any rate, Mozilla Firebird is still in its early stages. It does seem to be a bit snappier than Mozilla 1.4 beta, but it certainly is no lightweight. The full Mozilla suite's tarball is 12.5M while the Mozilla Firebird one is 9.3--just for the browser. They eliminated a lot of the options from the preference menu, which does make things easier for newbies. Unfortunately it hides some things I'd like to change, so your only option is using about:config to do it by hand. I'll probably use it once it gets closer to 1.0. For now, I'm sticking with Mozilla.

News for 05/18/2003

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