The Haus

Thursday, November 7, 2002

Exult 1.0 Released

Over the years Ultima VII has come to be considered one of the top computer role-playing games of all time. However, U7 was originally released in the early 90s and computer technology has come a long way since then. Many modern computers have trouble even running the game due to its age and its quirky DOS memory manager.

For the last 4 years an open-source project has been working to overcome those difficulties, and has just released version 1.0 of Exult, a new game engine which uses the original U7 data and graphics files, allowing you to play the game on a modern computer at higher resolutions than the original U7. And it works not just on Windows, but also Mac and Linux.

I've been getting the itch to play Ultima VII again, so I'm going to have to give Exult a try again. After Arx Fatalis anyway.

News for 11/07/2002

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