The Haus

Saturday, August 17, 2002

GameSpot on DOOM III

GameSpot posted some notes they jotted down during John Carmack's speech and Q&A at QuakeCon. The most interesting bits were about the multiplayer aspect of the game:

Carmack also revealed a few surprising details about Doom III's multiplayer. Id has always said that Doom III will be primarily a single-player game, and the company stated at E3 that the multiplayer would largely be restricted to deathmatch. However, Carmack admitted that even the game's deathmatch will be limited by certain engine considerations. The games will be limited to a much smaller number of players than other recent id games. The current estimate is a maximum of four players, so it'll be better suited to one-on-one and two-on-two matches. Carmack also said that players won't be able to join a match in progress. Nonetheless, id does have real plans for more serious multiplayer options for Doom III, which Carmack said would come either in a separate product, perhaps as an expansion pack.

It will be interesting to see how people react to such limited multiplayer options. Of course, if the single player gives people feelings that are even close to what they got with the original DOOM, no one will complain. Thanks Blue.

News for 08/17/2002

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