The Haus

Friday, May 17, 2002

Audigy Problems Fixed

I was having some minor problems with my Audigy in Linux. Some sounds would only play through one speaker or the other. After fiddling with XMMS (the open source answer to Winamp), I determined that if a program was using KDE's aRTs sound server, all the sounds would play fine. If it was using the OSS driver, it would only come out of one speaker. I pulled the latest driver from CVS and installed it. Now everything works dandy. It was more of an annoyance than anything else, but it's nice to have it fixed. Thankfully, the strange sound problems I was having with Red Hat 7.2 and the emu10k1 driver are gone as well.

The long and the short of it is this: if you use Linux and are considering getting a SoundBlaster Audigy, go for it. The drivers work great for standard analog output. I can't verify the digital output since I don't have a digital sound system to try it with. If someone wants to buy me one, I'd be more than happy to test it for you. :)

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