The Haus

Tuesday, November 2, 1999

Shogo Patch?!?

In the "you've got to be freaking kidding me" department, PlanetShogo posted the following news blurb.
I sent along a question to Monolith's tech support, about the never finishing Shogo Patch, and I got some good news back from Bob:
We're still working on the patch... we were testing it last week! I'm not sure when it's going to be released, but it's still being worked on.
Well, looks like the patch is still being worked on! PlanetShogo will post up any new information and updates on the patch, so check back.
It would be beyond cool if a patch that actually addresses some of the netcode and cheating problems would be released. They've only been working on this patch since . . . um . . . March (the 2.2 patch was released March 10)? I will be firing off an email to Bob to find out exactly what the deal is.

As always, remember that A.T. Hun's Haus of Shogo is your one-stop, full-service Shogo source!

News for 11/02/1999

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