The Haus

Tuesday, December 4, 2001

@Home Cuts Deals

CNet is reporting that Cox, Comcast, and Rogers Cable have cut deals with @Home to continue broadband service to their customers for the next three months. They are in discussions with Charter as well. Translation: @Home will provide the service until they can get their own networks going. Excite@Home's bondholders' hard-ball tactics have pretty much ensured that they are going to get nothing on their investments. Thanks Slashdot.

And, contrary to what Slashdot is reporting, AT&T customers are not all back online. They didn't read the press release from Sunday that they quoted which says about 10% of their customers are back online.

I also love the bleeding hearts who are blaming Excite@Home's demise on AT&T. Oh, puhlease. Let's see, where shall we start? How about in January of 1999 when @Home bought Excite for $6.7 billion. Yes, with a "b". Fast forward to October 1999 when Excite@Home buys Blue Mountain for $780 million. Basically it was a bunch of clueless dot commers who thought they could burn through venture capital forever. Well, when it came time for accountability, those in charge resigned. Hmmmm.

Oh, and if you are currently without broadband access, you might want to check out these guys. Or maybe not.

News for 12/04/2001

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