The Haus

Sunday, July 22, 2001

ION Fallout

A rather disgruntled ex-ION-Storm-Dallas employee made a post on the PlanetAnachronox boards (thanks Voodoo Extreme) about the disintigration of ION Dallas:
Look. I didn't sign any NDA, so if the EIDOS lawyers come to chomp my beans off, I'll see what I can do. We were told to keep it on the down low until EIDOS made an official statement, but they've had almost a Month, and It kills me to see people on the forums who don't know what's going on. I know the rumour mill has been Crazy about ION since its inception, and it's really strange that Blues or Scarys hasn't posted anything yet about the closedown. But yeah. We're closed. Shut down, get your stuff packed and pick up your severance check on Friday closed. We still love the game, and many of us developers are still supporting it. Even while putting my portfolio and resume together, I've been working on Planet Docs and attending messageboards.

We've still got love, even if we don't get paid for it.

On the Bright side, I don't care if you Warez the game anymore, being that No one who actually worked on it will see a penny one way or the other.
Naturally, we at The Haus do not condone warezing, even if the cause might seem noble. It is a bit disingenuous for him to say they'll never see a penny of the money, since Eidos has been paying them all along during the games production, hoping to be reimbursed through the sale of the game.

Did Daikatana kill ION and Anachronox? It didn't help, but I think their free-spending ways just caught up to them. You can't bleed cash and not expect to be amputated.

In other ION Storm-related news, is reporting that John Romero was actually axed months ago.
We've received word that Ion Storm's leading figure, John Romero, had been "let go" a couple of months ago. Romero was fired from the company allegedly because he did not ship enough titles to fulfill his contract. Details are still sketchy at this point but we are investigating the status of the rest of the Ion Storm Dallas team (who recently shipped Anachonox) and will bring you updates as soon as we can.
Of course, this is all academic now, since all of ION Dallas is gone. Thanks Evil Avatar.

News for 07/22/2001

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