The Haus

Thursday, May 17, 2001

Jedi Knight II: Confirmed

LucasArts has confirmed the existence of Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, the long-awaited sequel to the Jedi Knight/Dark Forces franchise. Here's a snip from the press release:
Players of Star Wars Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II will find an expanded and enhanced use of the Force, including Heal, Jump, Speed, Force Push, Lightning, and Jedi Mind Tricks. Depending on the situation, whether in combat or stealth, players also have a variety of weapons -- old and new -- at their disposal, including the lightsaber, Bryar blaster pistol, blaster rifle, stun baton, Wookiee bowcaster, thermal detonators.

Star Wars Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II features breathtaking locales, such as Cloud City, the Jedi Knight Academy on Yavin 4, Nar Shaddaa, the smugglers' moon, and many-never-before seen locations.
The game is being developed by Raven using the Quake III Arena engine. Here's another interesting bit from the features page:
Two multiplayer modes: Jedi training and team-based cooperative play
Too cool. Here's to hoping they develop a decent system for lightsaber control. The game is scheduled for a Spring 2002 release. Thanks Blue's News.

News for 05/17/2001

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