The Haus

Tuesday, December 12, 2000

Oracle released their new portal service yesterday, which is similar in some respects to Microsoft's .Net strategy. Now, we'll ignore the fact that Microsoft's .Net strategy is like EVERY friggin internet business plan in existence, and check out Microsoft's response to the new Oracle service: "They have this skewed view of the world that nirvana is achieved when everyone is running Oracle everywhere."

Now, this comes from the company who's corporate statement for at LEAST 10 years was "Windows everywhere", and whose business strategy is to destroy anything that might threaten their 100% stranglehold on OSes!

J.t.Qbe comments: Hey, don't forget their new language "C#", Micro$oft's attempt to subvert C++ and destroy Java in one swipe. Yet again. Whatever happened to Cool, anyway? Anyone remember that?

Just remember, "Windows everywhere" can also mean "in the garbage."

The Master comments: While I agree on the garbage line, there's two major points against it, like it or not. #1: there is little support in the commercial software industry for OSes outside of Windows. id Software's retreat on commercial Linux games is an example (tho an iffy one to be sure). #2: I wouldn't want to train my PC users here at work in Linux. No thanks. While I like Linux a zillion percent for servers, and have been very impressed with it's desktop capabilities, it's still not ready to be given to PC newbies. I pray for the day this is no longer the case.

News for 12/12/2000

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