The Haus

Tuesday, November 14, 2000

My Netscape 6 Review

Get Mozilla.

OK, that might seem a little brief, but I think it basically sums it up. Netscape 6 is OK and if your choices are Netscape 6, Netscape 4.7x, or IE, I'd most likely go with Netscape 6. However, the following reasons make me choose Mozilla builds over Netscape 6:
  1. No AOL Crap: Netscape 6 comes bundled with too much of it. If you choose a custom install you can eliminate a good chunk of it, but not all of it.
  2. More Rapid Bug Fixes: Mozilla bug fixes are showing up every day in the nightly builds. Netscape 6 has some strange page displaying bugs that do not exist in current Mozilla builds (and I tried them side by side).
  3. Nothing New: If you've seen Mozilla, you've basically seen Netscape 6 (with the above caveats). If you have Mozilla, there is no reason to change.
My big question is this: since Mozilla is now dually-licensed under the MPL and GPL, and Netscape is based on Mozilla, doesn't the GPL demand that Netscape release the source for Netscape 6?

FWIW, I uninstalled Netscape 6. Then I promptly downloaded last night's (November 14) Mozilla build. So far, it's just dandy.

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