The Haus

Monday, September 4, 2000

Qt to be GPL'd

According to LinuxPlanet, the next version of the Qt GUI library will be released under the GPL. Qt is the library used by the KDE desktop for Linux. This announcement means that programmers can develop applications for KDE without having to worry about licensing issues with Qt. Qt's old license never stopped me from using KDE as my Linux desktop, but non-Linux users would be amazed at the number of people who got their undies in a SERIOUS bundle about it. I suppose then the best part of this announcement is that all those people will shut up. Thanks Slashdot.

J.t.Qbe comments: Of course, all those whining zealots will have to pay attention long enough to read/hear the announcement in the first place--can't take it for granted that they will. I'm glad to see that Trolltech is keeping their licensing model, though--Qt is free if you're developing free software, or you pay for it if you're developing commercial software. That's fair. I get tired of those who whine that "KDE isn't really free." Yes it is. Regardless of the zealots' complaints, KDE is free, and it's one of the best desktops available for any platform.

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