Saturday, June 24, 2000
KDE2 Preview -- 10:32 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
KDE is a very powerful and user-friendly graphical front-end for Linux' X Window system. It's the one I use when I boot to Linux. The next version, KDE2, promises to be even more friendly. has a quick preview of KDE2, based on beta code. Most impressive is their kOffice productivity suite. I'm hoping this will be another step toward allowing me to dump Windows eventually. We'll see. Thanks Linux Today.J.t.Qbe comments: KDE2 promises to be a huge improvement over an already great window manager. I use Enlightenment at work, but KDE2 may very well lure me away.
But it won't let you dump Windows entirely. The games will keep pulling you back. Kudos to Loki for helping to bring high quality games to Linux, but I still have a ton of Windows/DOS games I still play (or intend to play). Until you're ready to dump your legacy stuff altogether, you'll need that legacy OS. . .
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