Saturday, June 24, 2000
History today -- 10:57 am CST, Update by The Master
- 1497: The first recorded sighting of North America by a European took place as explorer John Cabot spotted land, probably in present-day Canada.
- 1509: Henry VIII was crowned king of England.
- 1675: In colonial New England, King Philip’s War began when a band of Wampanoag warriors raided the border settlement of Swansee, Massachusetts, and massacred the English colonists there.
- 1793: The first republican constitution in France was adopted.
- 1812: Following the rejection of his Continental System by Czar Alexander I, French Emperor Napoleon order his Grande Armée, the largest European military force ever assembled to that date, into Russia.
- 1910: The Wireless Ship Act of 1910 required all American ships carrying more than fifty people to be equipped with radios.
- 1915: More than 800 people died when the excursion steamer Eastland capsized at Chicago's Clark Street dock.
- 1940: France signed an armistice with Italy during World War II.
- 1945: Soviet troops parade past Red Square in celebration of their victory over Germany. As drums rolled, 200 soldiers performed a familiar ritual: They threw 200 German military banners at the foot of the Lenin Mausoleum. A little over 130 years earlier, victorious Russian troops threw Napoleon's banners at the feet of Czar Alexander I.
- 1948: Communist forces cut off all land and water routes between West Germany and West Berlin, prompting the Western allies to organize the massive Berlin Airlift.
- 1968: "Resurrection City," a shantytown constructed as part of the Poor People's March on Washington, D.C., was closed down by authorities.
- 1975: 113 people were killed when an Eastern Airlines Boeing 727 crashed while attempting to land during a thunderstorm at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport.
- 1989: Zhao Ziyang, who had expressed sympathy with pro-democracy students, was replaced by Jiang Zemin as general secretary of the Communist Party.
- 1994: The European Union and Russia signed a landmark friendship accord in Corfu, Greece.
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