Thursday, April 6, 2000
Netscape 6 PR1 Review -- 10:49 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
PC Week has put up a review of Netscape 6 PR1. They give it a mostly favorable review. One comment that they make that I don't understand is that there is less screen real estate than previous versions. Haven't they figured out how to turn off the "My Sidebar" panel? Thanks Linux Today.My top reasons to use Netscape 6/Mozilla:
- It's smaller, thus less bloat (about a third of the size of an equivalent IE install)
- It's portable: the Mac, Win32, and Linux versions are almost identical
- It's open source: no more hiding "features" and worthless code
- It's standards-compliant. 'Nuff said.
- It's not tied so tightly to my OS that when the browser crashes, it takes my computer with it (hello, IE!)
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