Wednesday, April 5, 2000
GameGirlz and CliffyB -- 11:17 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
GameGirlz has posted a short interview with Epic's Cliff Bleszinski. Here's a snip (and the best part of the interview, FWIW):[GG] In doing levels for Unreal Tournament, which level in the game that is mostly your work was the hardest for you, design-wise?In my opinion, Tempest is THE best deathmatch map in Unreal Tournament by a long shot. I've played that one over and over. Maps like Barricade and especially KGalleon (ugh!) suffer due to the fact that they look very cool, but simply do not flow well enough to be good deathmatch maps.
[CB] I'd have to say Tempest. I had just done Barricade which I thought turned out only OK... I'm not that stoked with the final result of the map. I felt that any deathmatch "purity" that the map had was compromised by the sheer gimmick nature of the castle on the cloud. I was building Tempest and it was originally going to be some sort of a structure above the city that you could go around but the first version, quite frankly, blew. So, I decided I was just going to make a hardcore, big DM map and set to making it and I think the end result is pretty cool.
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