Wednesday, April 5, 2000
Brandon Reinhart .plan Update -- 8:13 am CST, Update by The Master
Brandon Reinhart updated his .plan with his rebuttal of an article on entitled "Which Engine?". Basically, he rebuts most of the support issues the article raised.The author argues that Epic is not putting a huge effort into support the user community. My response is "?" Maybe I'm not being clear here. Epic is actively PAYING mod authors we feel have cool projects. We have also purchased equipment (programs like 3DS Max) for mod authors who have shown us cool work. While we can't pay for every mod under the sun, we are working hard to create an active scene.
I've personally written a TON of documentation on UnrealScript and programming issues for mod authors. In addition, every Epic employee answers emails about mod development related questions. Shane Caudle runs a UT model information site, James Green is preparing a UT related art information site (, and Jack Porter, Steve Polge, and I are extremely active on the UnrealScript at eGroups discussion list and the Epic hosted UT Mods development discussion list.
Had the author of the Machinima article approached Epic or asked scene developers about their experiences with us, they probably would have painted a different picture.
Finally, Jack, Steve, and I are all available through email if you have any mod development related questions. Every question might not get answered because we do get busy sometimes, but I definitely try to answer what I get (and I forward a lot to Tim).
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