Wednesday, April 5, 2000
Dreamcast Q3A -- 8:07 am CST, Update by The Master
Some more news today on the Dreamcast port of Quake3: Arena. Next Generation conducted an interview with John Carmack on the DC Q3A port, and Daily Radar posted a snip. I thought the first question was interesting:Next Generation: So, is 56K fast enough for Quake III on Dreamcast?Now, if I can play against DC Q3A users-that will be VERY interesting indeed.
John Carmack: You use basically the same protocols that you get on PC. So it's very similar to what you get on PC with a 56K modem. Right now, in general >QIII development on Dreamcast has gone quite well. You can play Dreamcast against PC on the same maps, dialing in right over the Internet, and it works pretty nicely.
The maps are slightly modified to fit in the lesser memory, but I believe the plan is to have those maps available on the Dreamcast disc so that people with PCs can interact and connect to the same game. They're inter-operating just fine.
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