Wednesday, March 1, 2000
Anniversary of Secret Service Raid on Steve Jackson Games -- 10:37 am CST, Update by J.t.Qbe
According to this retrospective, today marks the tenth anniversary of the Secret Service raid on Steve Jackson Games. Ok, so maybe you don't remember it. Yet it was a watershed event in drawing attention to citizens' rights (or lack thereof) in cyberspace.I started playing Steve's boardgames when I was 12. Ogre will forever be one of the greatest wargames. A.T., remember Car Wars? My wife still says that no sane person should know what a Bootlegger Reverse is. . .
A.T. Hun comments: Darn tootin' I do! I wasted many, many hours on that game in high school and early college. Always blew out my tires on the Bootlegger Reverse.
The Master comments: Only played Car Wars once. Chaoticon (RP convention ran by my old Gamer's Club at UWGB) Tried one of those bootlegger gigs. Smoked two other players before I went over the side of the arena and went bu-bye. Heh-good game :-)
J.t.Qbe comments: I met Steve Jackson once at Gen Con in '91. Good guy. . .
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