Thursday, February 17, 2000
Jason Hall .plan Update -- 9:46 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Monolith's Jason Hall updated his .plan to challenge Epic's Tim Sweeney to a knife fight. Sadly, I'm lying. He announces another licensee (go fig!). Gotta give Lith credit, they obviously have a spectacular sales pitch. Here's where his .plan gets interesting:The last LithTech product that was released into the market was done so quite a long time ago. From the gamer's perspective, the last thing they saw of LithTech was Shogo and Blood 2. Both games did not sell "millions of copies" and they certainly had some issues (one product more than the other). Given that's all the experience the vast majority of the game community has personally with LithTech, I can totally understand the rampant skepticism with regard to our new announcements.This is at least a moral victory (although obviously it's a pyrrhic one). Hall admits that Shogo had problems. Of course, he is also tacitly admitting that they either refused to fix it or were incapable of fixing it. And yes, this is why I and countless other Shogo/Blood fans are extremely skeptical when anyone from Monolith promises anything. Once bitten, twice shy.
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