Thursday, February 17, 2000
Beta Q3A point release Mk 2 -- 8:50 pm CST, Update by The Master
Robert Duffy updated his .plan with news of the beta point release for Q3A:The point release is now available on our ftp site. It is marked as a beta as there are a lot of functionality changes and we have a finite number of machines and scenarios we can test with. The included readme contains a lot of information, please review it. The release is available for all three latforms, Win32, Macintosh, and Linux.Here's a list of the fixes:
If you encounter problems or bugs, please e-mail them to me at ""
- fixed splash damage trading armor for health bug
- fixed hang at gamestate/snapshot when server restarts during long map load
- fixed auto-download time remaining bug
- fixed callvote exploit
- fixed no longer take falling damage when wearing the powersuit
- fixed no longer able to do damage with the gauntlet while in chat/console mode
- fixed curve lod's are more correctly represented in certain cases
- fixed win32 executable will recognize a Linux Q3A cd
- fixed dll's load from fs_game path
- added min/max pings to server settings
- added ping information to server browser
- added mod ui
- added auto-downloading
- added allow downloads to menu
- added cl_paks only sent to pure servers
- added make sure file system restarts if a pk3 was auto-downloaded
- added server browsers shows mod running
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