The Haus

Wednesday, August 7, 2002

Official NWN Linux Client News

Bioware's Derek French started a thread on the Neverwinter Nights forums giving some official word on the anticipated Linux client. Here's what he had to say:

For those of us joining us late, the Linux client was not released with the Windows version. The Linux server was released shortly after the Windows version. As to why, the Mac and Linux versions of the game are being co-developed and our focus was on the Windows version for the June launch. Currently the Mac and Linux versions are in full development. The Mac version of the Toolset is being handled by MacSoft. You can find an update from Al Schilling from MacSoft here.

What we can't give you right now:
- Linux client screenshots
- an exact completion date

All we can estimate is that screenshots will happen within a month and we expect the Linux Client to be available for download in Fall 2002.

What we can give you:
- an assurance that the Linux client will be released
- a web page for the Linux Client where all updates will take place

We expect the Linux Client page, with information, to be up within a week.

Unfortunately this wasn't any more specific, but it is official and confirms that the Linux client will indeed be released. It just seems that I'm going to have to wait for a little while longer.

NWN 1.22 Patch Released

Bioware has released the 1.22 patch for Neverwinter Nights. You can get it via the "Update" function in the NWN launcher or manually from the above link. Check that link for a list of changes since 1.21.

More NWN Linux Client News (Sorta)

There was a post made on this thread on the Neverwinter Nights forums by Bioware's Robin Mayne regarding the company's new titles and their effect on current titles:

The Neverwinter Nights linux client is also not impacted by the development of these other titles. Though I do not have any specific information for you about the Neverwinter Nights linux client, it is being worked on as I type this message.

Of course, I'm still torn about the Linux client. I'd love to see one, but that would mean that I would never get anything done :)

New QStat release

Steve Jankowski has release version 2.5a of the QStat, a game server status checker. The new version contains a ton of changes and improvements, so if you run a website that uses QStat for it's game server stats pages, check out the updates and download.

Monday, August 5, 2002

First MNF! W00t!

I think I'm going to enjoy the new Monday Night Football tandem of John Madden and Al Michaels. Actually, I'm just glad to see football again so I can forget about the neverending saga that is baseball and to tide me over until hockey season starts. This also means that it is almost time for Eeyore and my weekly NFL picks! I bet you just can't wait, can you.

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