Tuesday, February 29, 2000
Congrats, Sparky! -- 1:31 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
A great big off-topic congratulations to former Detroit Tigers skipper George "Sparky" Anderson who was elected to the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame by the Veteran's Committee. Sparky was the only manager to win the World Series in both leagues, including the Tigers' glorious 1984 campaign. I hope he goes into the Hall with a Tigers' old English D on his cap, but I've a feeling it will be the Big Red Machine's C.More Windows Hatefulness -- 1:25 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
I'm typing this from Linux--out of necessity. I was doing some WordPerfect work and listening to the Tony Kornheiser Show (must . . . listen . . . to . . . sports . . . radio) on RealAudio when a RealPlayer crash caused Win98 to BSOD. Fortunately I was able to save my work and reboot. Explorer crash. Reboot. Explorer BSOD. Reboot. Load Linux. Do work. Get work done. 'Nuff said.Finished UT -- 10:39 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
I managed to finish Unreal Tournament last night (hooray for me). With the number of maps, it is more an exercise in intestinal fortitude than anything else. The game is very cool all told, but the ending couldn't be more anticlimatic. I went through it on a very easy skill level mainly so I could learn all the maps.My next trick is getting a UT server running under Linux. Whee!
Is This Thing On? -- 9:49 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
I assume that everyone's computers have safely passed today's Y2K/Leap Year challenge. Hopefully we can now give the Y2K Bug the fitting burial it deserves. It could be interesting tonight, because I know the computers at the place I bowl on Tuesdays are NOT Y2K compliant. They don't understand the concept of 2/29/2000. Should be interesting :)Monday, February 28, 2000
NV11/15 Rumor Mill -- 8:38 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Several sites have linked to this report on K-Bench quoting the well-known "close source" on specs for NVIDIA's upcoming successors to the GeForce, the NV11 and NV15. Here's a snip:The source told us that NV11 is at least 1.5 x faster than NV10 and it is targeted at budget customer solutions against NV15. NV11 has 2 texel/pixel, 2 pixel/clock rendering pipeline structure and supports both SDR & DDR SDRAMs. Memory clock of SDR SDRAM version of NV11 will be 166MHz.It sure sounds cool. Time will tell if there's any truth to it.
. . .
NV15 will be 3 times faster than GeForce256 with 400MHz of DDR SDRAM. It has 2 texel/pixel, 4 pixel/clock rendering pipeline structure and supports 720P HDTV. NV15 can be configured with SCA(Scalable Cooperative Architecture) that 1 AGP + 1 Virtual AGP(PCI) can be set. 90 frames / second at 2048 x 1536 x 32bit color is expected, the source said.
Sodding BSOD -- 3:58 pm CST, Update by The Master
Okay, I've had about 10 minutes to get revved up for this one:NONE! ZERO TOLERANCE! There is NO reason for a decently (hehe) written kernel to crash. An app can crash. A browser can wipe out. But the BLOODY SYSTEM KERNEL SHOULD BE A FRIGGIN ROCK! Okay-I'm going to take my valium now. . .
A.T. Hun comments: Linux looks better every day. When the next version of X comes out with the DRI (think DirectX) stuff, I may no longer have an excuse to stay with Windows.
J.t.Qbe comments: Come to the light side, where the light is not blue. Keep Windows for games; it's acceptable for toys to break. It's unacceptable for an OS to take your real work with it. Repeat after me: Linux and BSD, Linux and BSD, Linux and BSD. . . I guarantee that you will see no BSOD in the Unix world. (Well, actually I came to work today and found the NT BSOD on my screen. Weird, since I run Linux. One of the screensavers is an "OS death hall o' fame". . .)
The Master comments: I wish I could switch OSes at work. However, I can't break corporate policy that easily. Plus I think it'd be rather difficult to write Delphi Win32 code in Linux. Or NT for that matter since the Win32 "API" isn't consistent between NT and Win9x anyway-and my user base is Win9x. Gotta love Windows. NOT.
Jakeworld -- 11:53 am CST, Update by The Master
Jake Simpson updated his .plan today with news of a Release Candidate of SOF being QA'd, and news of some freebie software he put up on his Jaakeworld personal website.Hey, I'll post for ya there Jake-I knew you were cool before I saw the Doctor Who stuff up in your J-Cam :-)
Who Wants to be a Mod Maker? -- 9:56 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Epic's Brandon "GreenMarine" Reinhart updated his .plan with fond farewell to Dave "Zoid" Kirsch as he leaves id to pursue other opportunities. This is starting to sound like a wake! He also points to his own article on Gamespy, talking about the problems that mod makers have to deal with. It's a good read for those who have the skillz/determination for that sort of thing. Wish I did . . .Recent Headlines
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